Reflection: Amelia says...

Pre-camp reflections
Read the introduction, objectives and theoretical background to the project and then answer the following questions:
- What interests you about this project?
Firstly, this project requires creative and critical thinking. It requires one to build a structure and for myself personally, I love to build and dissect things apart. And just nice, for this project, I am required to use theories learnt related to physics to construct buildings that are able to withstand the water, stimulating thinking.
- What do you want to learn by doing this project?
I want to learn how to apply different concepts and theories together to produce the final end product that is satisfactory. I want be able to master some basic form of constructing, building, engineering, physics and architectural skills.
- What questions do you have about this project?
1) How am I suppose to go about and build the structure successfully?
2) Does it require a lot of effort or rather more tactical knowledge?
- What do you personally want to have achieved by the end of this project?
I want to be able to attain better collaborative skills, critical and creative thinking from the constructing of the model, leadership skills in managing a group and leading it to success. 

Reflections On Plenary Sessions
- What are your key learning points?
For the first plenary session, I learnt more detailed resultant effects of the Sumatra Earthquake, where one-quarter of the population died. More pictures of the ground sediments were shown that shows the age and the pattern of earthquakes, causing tsunamis. In caves, thanks to the bats poop, acting as a layer above the ground to be able to tell the age of the ground, from about 10 000 over years ago. Patterns of coral could tell where they were drifted to every time a tsunami happens, resulting is the dead sediments of coral. Every time a tsunami happens, the low and high tide changes. The age of the sediments could be tracked all the way back to 50 000 years ago thanks to high-technology instruments. The subduction rate every year is 7cm and so now, it is up to 2000km down below. Sumatra has the most active volcanoes. Tsunamis can tower up to 10m, 15m and even 25m. The Earth Observatory in NTU studies on earthquakes, tsunamis and global warming that affects climate, leading to long term problems.
For the second plenary session, the animation world was discovered further where I was introduced to stop-motion, 2D and 3D animations. Overall, we learnt mathematics in movies, IT and animation and career and finally the summary. In every animation, the storyboard and script is the most important, followed by drawing skills. For stop-motion, there are 24-25 frames per second depending on the situation and it is done frame by frame. In NTU, a local software is used, namely Animaker. For 2D, it is done mostly by hand, with manpower strongly needed, it is very tedious. The first traditional animated film is at a costly price of US $45 million, namely Lion King and it is all done through 2D. The first 3D animated movie costed US $30 million and it was first released on 22nd November 1995. It was called Toys Story making use of simple and hard plastic toys. Geometric modeling makes use of linear equation while special effects require calculus and laws of physics, featuring mathematics as a very important subject. Motion capture includes a lot of components such as image processing and computer vision and etc. For this area of career, interest in science and technology, art and passion and creativity are important. Challenges in 2D animation are beautiful art forms, skilled artists, labour intense and budget pressure. In normal life, everyone can be an inventor, taking the first step then starting something big, keeping it simple and perfecting it later.
There are 4 types of technology, nano-technology, bio-technology, electronic technology and defense technology. Smaller size for a fixed volume equals to a large surface volume. Lower energy makes the particles more stable. Nano-technology is about design, fabrication and applications. Carbon nano tube is as strong as steel but spider web is the strongest material. Nano-technology can be used for investment in forensic science, materials and colours. Inside a person, nano structures are found in areas like the teeth. Examples where nano-technology can come in is where medical drugs are implemented and actually only 1% goes to treat the affected area while the other 99% goes to the rest of the body. Another examples is where nano-technology coats over the artificial bones so the body would accept it rather than rejecting it and this process is called bio-activity. To actually open up the heart valve, rather than using metal gash to prop it open and continuously take medicine for it to work, a nano-structure can be put into place and no medication would be needed to sustain it. The last examples of nano-technology is that is gives protection to soldiers especially during a war context. A coating of nano particles over the suit and helmet can prevent bullets from going through, inventing the bulletproof vest.

- What new questions do you have about the topic?
Other than just studying about the sediments on the earth and using the GPS, is there any other areas that the Earth Observatory Of Singapore cover?
What are some features of an 4D animation?
What are some more uses of nano-technology in electronics?

Reflections on Applied Project Challenge:  Your Achievements

Discuss how the project has deepened your understanding and broadened your awareness of the selected discipline.
Through the project challenge, we learnt the need to be focused when time is critical so as to be able to achieve the best result. When members are not concentrating at a certain time, someone in the group must step up to control the noise and nuisance level in the group. Rather than just being exposed to just science projects, the skill of leadership is also trained and more opportunities are being opened up.

What do you now understand about this discipline that you were unaware of at the beginning.
Self-control is important as a lot of times, the teachers cannot be looking over us and so whether we end up good or bad, it all depends on one self. Leadership comes in a lot of forms, not just by leading a group of people but first taking charge of one self and up-hold the good reputation of the school's. Being self-directed is important as what one wants to achieve depends on how motivated one is to complete the challenge.

Describe how what you have learned from doing this project can be connected to what you are learning at school.
Firstly, a common base is the concepts applied to carry out the project. Physics is commonly used when it comes to forces, pressure and etc. Architecture comes into place too where designing the product or building is important, whether it is to withstand certain waves or resistance to impact. Mathematics concepts can be enforced and better engraved into my mind whenever needed to use it.

Describe how you can apply what you have learned from doing this project.
Leadership skills like how to manage a group in times of crisis and how to be a good role model can be applied to my everyday life. I would be able get a better feel of how to do a proper structure after this experience. When the future requires of this skill, more concentration on the  design can be put into place.

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